Seems like the days pass by and I have no idea where they go (nor what I did in them).
On alloneword I had a request for a large size cap. When I found out who asked for it I was so happy. It was this cool guy in Boston that makes these amazing designs on t-shirts. Just so good to have someone I think is so good want something I made. Nifty. And, he knows some new to me slang. I just love that.
Okay - I need your advice out there. I have been getting lots of requests for Large Caps (23 / 24 inch) I am thinking about having two sizes: "Regular" 21 to 22 inch and "Einstein" 23 to 24 inch. Please comment. I need your input.
Today I am off to get a hair cut, and to a fashion show with my Sis.
Also I have added custom option entry on my etsy site. Please tell me what you think.
Mary Elizabeth
Okay, so I know this post is from a while back, but I have to say that I think it would be awesome to have two sized caps and call them "Regular" and "Einstein". Then again, I have a man-sized head, so... yeah...