
This is all about my textile work and textile fun... Custom Cycling Caps and more -- much much more.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Rocket Reuse in Alameda Calif.

Hi Everyone,
Cool shop alert!
They just got these nifty vintage patterns in.  LOVE.
have a good one.
PS It's kinda a new shop -- so no sign out side.  It is on the Peet's side of Park St. next to the Golden Donut.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

bike/car bike

Hi Everyone,
Well, I have tried the non - car life.  It just is not working for me.  I LOVE riding in Alameda.  I get scared when I ride to the local Bart station.  Sad but true.

So If ya know anyone who has a cheep good car for sale ... I'm right over here.

It is really beautiful outside today.   I'm going for a bike ride in my wonderful little town.

Peace out,

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

look Mom no hands...

Sometimes I just miss my Mom.
I silently dialing her number.
as if I could really call her.

Monday, January 17, 2011

in the fullness of time

 The Canary 
The song of canaries
Never varies,
And when they’re moulting
They’re pretty revolting

by Ogden Nash

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!!!!!

Hi Everyone!!!!
Well, you may have guessed that I not the new years resolution kinda gal.  My philosophy is that - you notice something is f@%ed-up then fix it (if you can - or just get the ball rolling).   The other thing you may have noticed about me is that I'm so good with the daily blog entries.  

To get this blog rolling I am having a give away.   The first person to email me at: gets this super cool Neil Gaiman Two Plays for Voices.  It has two stories first one Snow Glass Apples stars Bebe Neuwirth and the second Murder Mysteries staring Brian Dennehy.  I love these stories but alas no longer own a tape deck.  

Every week a new item!  and I'll pay the shipping! yup - free shipping.

Happy Happy New Year!!!!

now get back to work.... :)