
This is all about my textile work and textile fun... Custom Cycling Caps and more -- much much more.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Treasure Island Flea -- I'll be there -- come by and say HI!

Hi Everyone,

I'll have a table at the Treasure Island Flea tomorrow and Sunday.  I gotta say that it looks like it is going to be a great time.  First -- Yummy Food!  Second -- amazing views of San Francisco Third -- you can see me!

There is even a fancy Groupon for Treasure Island Flea for the event.  So if you are in the know what that is and how it works -- man I am impressed!  If you don't just click on the link - and join those who are in the know.  :)

It is my birthday too.  No need to bring gifts :)   Just stop by and say Happy Birthday!

Mass Love to all ya' all,

Sunday, May 8, 2011

a good wind a blowing...

Hi Ya,
This is so exciting.   One of my alloneword caps is on the gal who writes one of the best bike blogs around.   Her blog is called change your life ride a bike.  I feel so happy about this.  I got to meet her at the San Francisco Bike Party on friday.  Which was wonderful.   I'm not very comfortable riding in traffic nor with other riders.  I had a great time anyway.  Next time will be even better.